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Introduction to the Distance Vector Multicast Routing Applet

Christoph Kuhmünch

Lehrstuhl Praktische Informatik IVgif
Universität Mannheim
D-68131 Mannheim


The Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP)[Pus97, , , ] is a routing protocol which allows multipoint communication (Multicasting) and is currently used in the Multicast Backbone (MBone)[Eri94]. This Applet visualizes DVMRP by simulating the algorithm. It's goal is to help students during their pre-exam preparations.

The Applet is tested with Netscape Communicator under Linux and Windows95 as well as with Microsoft Internet Explorer under Windows95. Unfortunatly, Java is not as plattform independend as Javasoft proposes so we cannot guarnatee that it works poperly with other operating systems and browsers.

It may take some time to load all pictures properly! Furthermore the applet still depends on carefull usage without too fast interactions so please be patient!

Keywords: Java, simulation, networks, routing, Multicasting, MBone, DVMRP

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Christoph Kuhmuench
Tue Jan 20 13:06:18 MET 1998