AudioFile represents a SUN-au file
AudioFile represents a SUN-au file. It implements the interface defined by AudioData.
AudioFile(const AudioFile& aufile)
size_t load(size_t samples)
size_t loadSecs(size_t secs)
void seek(int samples, SeekMode mode)
void seekSecs(int secs, SeekMode mode)
void store(ofstream& file)
uint32 headerID()
uint32 dataLocation()
void open(const string& filename)
void close()
Sample calcSampAmp(Byte* buf)
Sample ulaw2lin(int i)
void calcSampCode(Sample samp, Byte* buf)
buf - array of bytes
Byte lin2ulaw(Sample sample)
uint32 packBytes(Byte* bytes)
Byte* swapInt32(Byte cp[4])
bool isSND(Byte header[4])
uint32 vHeaderID
uint32 vDataLocation
static const Sample ulawTable[]
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling