AudioData is the abstract base class of all classes which represent audio files
AudioData is the abstract base class of all classes which represent audio files. It defines a set of methods to open and close audio files, to load and store samples etc.
AudioData uses an AudioCache object to store parts of the audio file so that processing is faster to be done.
AudioData(const AudioData& audata)
AudioData& operator=(const AudioData& audata)
virtual ~AudioData()
virtual size_t load(size_t samples)
If EOF is reached, load returns the number of samples
less than the given number.
virtual size_t loadSecs(size_t secs)
If EOF is reached, load returns the number of seconds
less than the given number.
virtual void seek(int samples, SeekMode mode)
mode - constant describing new position counted from where
virtual void seekSecs(int secs, SeekMode mode)
mode - constant describing new position counted from where
virtual void store(ofstream& file)
const string filename()
uint32 dataSize()
FormatCode dataFormat()
uint32 samplingRate()
uint32 bytesInSample()
uint32 channelCount()
const string info()
AudioCache& cache()
const AudioCache& cache()
virtual void printOn(ostream& os)
virtual void open(const string& filename)
virtual void close()
mutable ifstream file
string vFilename
uint32 vDataSize
FormatCode vDataFormat
uint32 vSamplingRate
uint32 vBytesInSample
uint32 vChannelCount
string vInfo
mutable AudioCache* vCache
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling