This class represents a vector of samples
This class represents a vector of samples. The stored singnal is mono, the sample format is lin16 (2 bytes per sample, linear encoding). The sampling rate and cache size can be set by the user. Cache size can also be modified.
Audio cache is used by AudioData to store parts of audio files. But it can also be used as a stand-alone audio container.
virtual ~AudioCache()
AudioCache(const AudioCache& cache)
AudioCache& operator=(const AudioCache& cache)
Sample& operator[](size_t idx)
const Sample& operator[](size_t idx)
Sample& at(size_t idx)
const Sample& at(size_t idx)
size_t size()
void resize(const size_t size)
uint32 samplingRate()
FormatCode dataFormat()
uint32 bytesInSample()
uint32 channelCount()
virtual void printOn(ostream& os)
void clear()
size_t vSize
const uint32 vSamplingRate
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling