CamMark comes as two command line programs, one for the actual camcorder simulation, and one for the calibration of certain distortions from a given pair of reference/copy videos or images.
The graphical user interface, which was part of the original first version of CamMark, was removed in version 1.1 and will be replaced soon by a CamMark web service, offering a web-based interface to an entirely server-side processing.
The CamMark calibration tool can be used to calibrate some of the simulated distortions by simply providing a reference/copy pair of videos and/or frames. Please note that unless you want to calibrate a specific setup yourself, you can always use the set of presets that CamMark already provides and do not need to run the calibration tool yourself in this case.
CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode arguments
, spatial-cb
, spatial-lens
, spatial-cb-lens
, spatial-neutral
, agc-perc
, temporal-embed
For the detection of spatial distortion with modes spatial
(using an arbitrary reference image),
(using the provided checkerboard reference image), spatial-lens
, and spatial-cb-lens
(same as the previous two but with detection of lens distortion), the further arguments are:
CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode ref-file copy-file output-file
For the creation of a neutral transformation file mode spatial-neutral
, the further arguments are:
CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode output-file width height
For the creation of a temporal marker video with mode temporal-embed
, the further arguments are:
CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode source-file output-file pattern-image
For the read-out of temporal markers from a copy video with mode temporal
, the further arguments are:
CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode copy-file
.CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode ref-file copy-file output-file