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CamMark comes as two command line programs, one for the actual camcorder simulation, and one for the calibration of certain distortions from a given pair of reference/copy videos or images.

The graphical user interface, which was part of the original first version of CamMark, was removed in version 1.1 and will be replaced soon by a CamMark web service, offering a web-based interface to an entirely server-side processing.



The CamMark calibration tool can be used to calibrate some of the simulated distortions by simply providing a reference/copy pair of videos and/or frames. Please note that unless you want to calibrate a specific setup yourself, you can always use the set of presets that CamMark already provides and do not need to run the calibration tool yourself in this case.

Command line syntax

CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode arguments
For spatial calibration, one of:
spatial', spatial-cb, spatial-lens, spatial-cb-lens, spatial-neutral;
for automatic gain control calibration, one of: agc-fix, agc-perc;
for temporal calibration, one of: temporal, temporal-embed.
The further arguments depend on the selected mode, see below.

Spatial calibration

For the detection of spatial distortion with modes spatial (using an arbitrary reference image), spatial-cb (using the provided checkerboard reference image), spatial-lens, and spatial-cb-lens (same as the previous two but with detection of lens distortion), the further arguments are:

CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode ref-file copy-file output-file
A reference image or video.
A copy image or video made from the above specified image or video.
You can also specify an image file as reference and a video file as copy.
A file to contain the resulting transformation file.

For the creation of a neutral transformation file mode spatial-neutral, the further arguments are:

CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode output-file width height
A file to contain the resulting neutral transformation file.
The transformations original width/height. Used to calculate an original aspect-ratio.

Temporal calibration

For the creation of a temporal marker video with mode temporal-embed, the further arguments are:

CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode source-file output-file pattern-image
A video file that will be wrapped with temporal markers.
A file to contain the result video.
Some additional files will be created, sharing the output-file's name in their own file name.
An image used as automatically detectable synchronization frame and as reference for an integrated spatial distortion detection.

For the read-out of temporal markers from a copy video with mode temporal, the further arguments are:

CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode copy-file
A copy made from the temporal marker video generated with the temporal-embed mode.
Note that the specified copy-file must reside alongside the extra files that the temporal embedding step created. An output folder will be automatically created, named copy-file_frameData.

Automatic gain control calibration

CamMarkCalibration[.exe] mode ref-file copy-file output-file
A reference video, potentially adjusted to the copy (see below).
A copy video made from the original reference video with the exact same spatial and temporal properties. If the copy is of different size or spatially distorted, the reference should be adjusted to match the copy's distortion. If the copy has a different number of frames or is temporally distorted, the reference should be adjusted to match the copy's distortion.
A file to contain the resulting AGC preset file.