This class represents a special FFT-tool for non-complex values as integers, floating point values or audio samples
This class represents a special FFT-tool for non-complex values as integers, floating point values or audio samples. It is based on the ComplexFFT for complex floating point values. This tool was implemented to make the FFT on AudioCaches some easier then when ComplexFFT is used.
typedef vector
explicit LinearFFT(const size_t samples, const WindowFunc winFunc = NONE, const ConvMethod method = SQR)
winFunc - specifies the windowing function
method - specifies the conversion method for complex values
void fft(const AudioCache& cache, Spectrum& spectrum)
spectrum - vector for the result (frequency domain) void invfft(const Spectrum& spectrum, AudioCache& cache)
cache - audio cache containing the signal (time domain) void set(const size_t samples, const WindowFunc winFunc, const ConvMethod method)
winFunc - specifies the windowing function
method - specifies the conversion method for complex values
ConvMethod convMethod()
virtual void printOn(ostream& os)
T calcAmp(const ComplexSample& csample)
Float calcComplexSQR(const ComplexSample& csample)
Float calcComplexADD(const ComplexSample& csample)
Float calcComplexAMP(const ComplexSample& csample)
Float calcComplexPHA(const ComplexSample& csample)
Float calcComplexDB(const ComplexSample& csample)
Sample round(Float num)
ConvMethod vMethod
mutable ComplexWave* wave
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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling