class AuLength

This class represents an audio tool which figures out length of an audio file or an audio cache

Public Classes

enum Format
specifies the return format

Public Methods

static double convertEntity(const Format from, const Format to, const size_t entity, const uint32 bytesInSample, const uint32 channelCount, const uint32 samplingRate, double fps = FPS_C)
converts an "entity" given in the format "from" to the format "to"
static int length(const AudioCache& cache, const Format format, const double fps = FPS_C)
figures out length of the given audio cache


enum Format
specifies the return format


This class represents an audio tool which figures out length of an audio file or an audio cache.
enum Format
specifies the return format. SECS = seconds FRAMES = frames BYTES = bytes SAMPLES = samples

static int length(const AudioCache& cache, const Format format, const double fps = FPS_C)
figures out length of the given audio cache.
length of the audio cache
cache - audio cache
format - format of the result
fps - must be given to know how many frames per second are used

static double convertEntity(const Format from, const Format to, const size_t entity, const uint32 bytesInSample, const uint32 channelCount, const uint32 samplingRate, double fps = FPS_C)
converts an "entity" given in the format "from" to the format "to".
Exception , if the given to or from format is unknown
the result of the conversion
from - format to convert from
to - format to convert to
entity - entity to be converted
bytesInSample - must be given to know how many bytes make a sample
channelCount - must be given to know how many channels there are
samplingRate - must be given to know which sample rate is used
fps - must be given to know how many frames per second are used

This class has no child classes.
Silvia Pfeiffer, Peter Tomczyk
$Id: length.h,v 1.6 1998/03/26 14:50:01 tomczyk Exp $

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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