
Demo Video




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Server Manual


  1. Extract the distribution of the IMoD system using the tar -xvzf imod_bin_v2.0a.tar.gz command. The distribution should contain the following directories and files:
    	imod/				IMoD home
    	imod/README			The readme file
    	imod/.media_config		Settings specific to the different media types
    	imod/.rdcp_passwd		User profiles
    	imod/.sap			Settings for sdr announcements
    	imod/bin/			Binaries for IMoD system
    	imod/bin/imod			Startup script for UNIX systems
    	imod/bin/imod_client.bat	Client startup script for Windows
    	imod/bin/imod_lclient.jar	Java client
    	imod/bin/pump/   		IMoD server executables
    	imod/bin/pump/autoconf/		Scripts to to determine OS version
    	imod/bin/pump/sparc-sun-solaris2.6/rdcpd	Solaris IMoD server
    	imod/bin/pump/i686-unknown-linux/rdcpd		Linux IMoD server
    	imod/data/			Empty directory that will contain recordings
  2. Adapt paths in imod/bin/imod and (if desired) in imod/imod_client.bat to your configuration. Please use JDK1.2 or above to run the IMoD client. To our experience, the initial release of JDK1.3 is buggy. So please use either JDK1.2 or JDK1.3_01 or above.
  3. For the proper recording and playback of RTP/I-based media streams, it is necessary that the clocks of all systems (recorder and applications) are synchronized e.g. via NTP. For Solaris and Linux, the standard ntpd will do the job. For Windows platforms we've made good experiences with Dimension 4. Please assure that the clocks are tightly synchronized. NTP supports a mode in which all clocks converge slowly. This mode assures synchronization only in the long term and is not a good fit here.

Server Options

The IMoD server can started with the imod server [option] command (see manual) where [option] can be one of the following:
-h: print a short help message and exit.
-v: start in verbose mode.
-playback: starts the IMoD server in playback only mode. Modifications to existing recordings and the recording of new sessions are NOT allowed to any user in this mode. It is advisable to use this mode to setup a server that acts as a "video server" by just satisfying play requests for existing recordings.
-admin: starts IMoD server in admin mode. In this mode, a command prompt is displayed which allows the management of user profiles. The results are stored in the <passwd_file>. The following commands are accepted at the command prompt:
help: display a command overview.
list: list all user profiles that are currently defined.
add: add a new user profile.
del: delete an existing user profile.
pwd: change the password of a user.
quit: quit administration mode and shut down the IMoD server.
Note: In order to allow users to login as guest, a user "guest" with password "guest" must be created (see client manual). Such a user is present by default in the distribution. To assure that no modifications to existing recordings can be made, you should consider to run a server with guest access in playback only mode.
-d=<mode>: start IMoD server in debug mode. The following modes are available:
-d=rdcp displays all RDCP control messages that are exchanged between server and client.
-d=rtpi displays infos about the participants and subcomponents that are present in RTP/I sessions.
-d=rtpifull in addition to the d=rtpi mode, information about all packets received/sent are displayed here (this can really be a lot of data!).
-p <port>: tells the IMoD server to accept RDCP connections on port (default is: 12080).
-c <passwd_file>: specifies the absolute path to the passwd_file. Default is imod/.rdcpd_passwd.
-m <media_config_file>: specifies the absolute path to the media_config_file. Default imod/.media_config.

Volker Hilt <>