This website provides all participants with the necessary information for the Teleseminar Mannheim Lancaster.
9:35-15:30: Journey to Lancaster
15:30-18:30: Tour on Campus
9:00-10:00: Introduction (Effelsberg & Mauthe)
10:00-10:15: Coffee Break
10:15-11:45: Video Cut Detection Algorithms (Kopf)
11:45-12:45: Lunch Break
12:45-13:45: Collaborative Development Tools (Effelsberg)
13:45-14:00: Coffee Break
14:00-15:30: Object Orientated
Programming (Mauthe)
15:30-15:45: Coffee Break
16:00-17:00: Team Building Activities (Effelsberg & Mauthe)
17:00-18:30: Spare Time
18:30-19:30: Dinner (all students and staff)
9:30-12:00: Team Activities
12:00-16:00: Spare Time / Sightseeing Event
16:00-22:30: Journey to Mannheim
Alexander Biskop
Andreas Faerber
Zhu Liu
Matthaeus Peterson
Andreas Stemper
Sarah Gresty
David Gresty
Avinash Mungur
Zila Ramli
Sebastian Geissler