Package de.heineken.studienarbeit

Class Summary

Algorithmus The class Algorithmus is the super-class of all other algorithms and implements their common functions
Applet1 Main Class of the program GUI is designed Button functions are connected Triggers are being conntected to the elements on the GUI
Bild Class to show some picture used to display the head direction arrow.
CScan implements the algorithm "CScan".
FCFSimplements the algorithm "First Come First Served".
Information The class Information builds the elements for the linked list
Liste Subclass from linked list saves the algorithm/buffer combinations for later sending
Loesung Shows the solution with the currently selected combination of algorithm and buffer size.
Pfeil Swing Sub-Class for showing an up- or downwards arrow
Puffer The class Puffer builds up the buffer which later visualizes the solution
PWFalsch The class Pop up Window creates a window, which is opened, if password or username are not correct
PWPopup The class builds up a window which displays some error message if the username or the password does not correspond to the given restrictions.
ScanDisk implements the algorithm "Scan Disk".
Sendeprotokoll The class Sendeprotokoll sets the parameter in the right order for sending via the results' interface
SSTF implements the algorithm "Shortest Seek Time First".
Timer Class Timer contains a counting unit with second rhythm