Alphabetical Index



a - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
aid - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
Algorithmenauswahl - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Algorithmus - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
The class Algorithmus is the super-class of all other algorithms and implements their common functions
Algorithmus(int,int[]) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
allesenden(String,String) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Liste
sends all the storing objects to the server.
anfangswert - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
anfangszahl - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
anfangszahl - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.CScan
anfangszahl - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.ScanDisk
anfangszahl - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.SSTF
anfzpanel - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Antwortsatz - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Antwortzahlen - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
anzeigeText - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
Applet1 - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Main Class of the program GUI is designed Button functions are connected Triggers are being conntected to the elements on the GUI
applet1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
Applet1() - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
empty constructor if programm is not used as applet but as stand-alone
appletid - field in class de.results
appletID - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
ausgabewerte - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
az0 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az10 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az11 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az12 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az13 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az14 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az15 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az16 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az17 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az18 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az19 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az3 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az4 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az5 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az6 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az7 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az8 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
az9 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1


Bild - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Bild
Class to show some picture used to display the head direction arrow.
Bild(Image,JPanel) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Bild
Constructor of a Bild object
blendeab(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
clears the highlighting of an entry
borderLayout1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
borderLayout1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
borderLayout2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
borderLayout3 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
buffer - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
buffer_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
If there is a change in buffersize, the graphic picture of the buffer is changed, too


Center - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
clear() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
Clears the buffer's entries.
command - field in class de.results
count - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
cs - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
CScan - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.CScan
implements the algorithm "CScan".
CScan(int,int[],int) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.CScan
Constructor of algorithm


Daten - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
destip - field in class de.results
destport - field in class de.results
destroy() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Destruction of the applet's environment is being triggered
difficulty - field in class de.results


eingabe - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
input array of the random numbers
eingabegroesse - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
scheduled size of the attribute 'eingabe'
eingabewerte - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung


fcfs - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
FCFS - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.FCFS
implements the algorithm "First Come First Served".
FCFS(int,int[]) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.FCFS
feedback - field in class de.results
fehlermeldung - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
fieldname - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
flowLayout1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
flowLayout1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
flowLayout1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
flowLayout2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
flowLayout2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
fmt - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
fortschrittszeiger - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
index pointer for the attribute 'eingabe', represents the current working progress


gesamt - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
getAppletInfo() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Personality of Applet
getCurrentAppletID() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Method sets AppletID later used in the Sendeprotokoll
getParameter(String,String) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Method to load System parameters from the environment
getParameterInfo() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
further Information
getPreferredSize() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Bild
Return of the proper size
getpuffersize() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
Getter Method for the buffer's size
getpufferzahl(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
Wrapper-Method for reading the content of the buffer at a given position
getSeconds() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
returns the amount of seconds, the timer has counted since starting
gl - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
gridLayout1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
gridLayout2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
gridLayout3 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
gridLayout4 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
gridLayout5 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
gridLayout6 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
gridLayout7 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
gridLayout8 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
gridLayout9 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
groesse - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer


help - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
help_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Pushing the Help button, a short German and English online help will pop up
holeFehlermeldung() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
return information if an error occured or not


i - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Bild
id - field in class de.results
Information - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
The class Information builds the elements for the linked list
Information(String,int) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
Konstruktor of the class Information
init() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Initialisation is begin called from the sandbox of the sourrounding appletviewer when started first time
isStandalone - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1


jbInit() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Build up of the GUI
jbInit() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
JBuilder-Creation of GUI
jbInit(String) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
jButton1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
jButton1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
jButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
window is closed, if the Ok-Button is pushed
jButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
ActionHandler for the Ok-Button; window will be closed.
jLabel1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
jLabel1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
jLabel1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
jLabel2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
jLabel3 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
jPanel1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
jPanel1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
jPanel1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
jPanel2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
jPanel2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
jPanel2 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup


l - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
label - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
labelid - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
labelname - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
ladepuffer(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
takes the next data element from the input arrray and store it at the given empty position in the buffer
Liste - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Liste
Subclass from linked list saves the algorithm/buffer combinations for later sending
Liste() - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Liste
Loesung - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
Shows the solution with the currently selected combination of algorithm and buffer size.
Loesung(de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1,int[],int[],int) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
losung - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
losung_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
reaction of Stop button Start algorithm for running in the background (new thread) Solution is used to be compared to the user's answer


main(String[]) - static method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Main-Methode needed if started as stand-alone; emulation of the Applet's environment
markiere(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
highlights an entry
mayRun - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
mayrun - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
min - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
minimaledistanz(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.SSTF
The method Minimaldistanz looks for the min.
minimaledistanz(int,boolean) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.ScanDisk
The method Minimaldistanz computes for the min.


nameid - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
North - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1


Oben - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
ok - field in class de.results


paint(Graphics) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Bild
paint-method() used bei AWT when object is to be painted
panel - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Bild
passwdid - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
password - field in class de.results
pfeil - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Pfeil - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Pfeil
Swing Sub-Class for showing an up- or downwards arrow
Pfeil(Image,Image) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Pfeil
pfeilnachoben - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Pfeil
pfeilNachOben() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Pfeil
Method pfeilNachOben turns the currently display array to upwards
pfeilnachunten - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Pfeil
pfeilNachUnten() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Pfeil
Method pfeilNachUnten turns the currently display array to downwards
puffer - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
numbers in the buffer
Puffer - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
The class Puffer builds up the buffer which later visualizes the solution
puffer - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
Puffer() - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
Constructor turns the buffer's size to a standard value of 3
puffer1 - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
puffergroesse - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
number of elements in the buffer
puffergroesse - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
punkte - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
punkte - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
punkte() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
amount of correct attempts measured against the amout of all attempts (in percent)
punkteliste - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
pw - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
PWFalsch - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
The class Pop up Window creates a window, which is opened, if password or username are not correct
PWFalsch(String) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWFalsch
PWPopup - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup
The class builds up a window which displays some error message if the username or the password does not correspond to the given restrictions.
PWPopup() - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.PWPopup


reset() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
Sending back and using the object again is possible after a run of this Loesung
results - class de.results
richtig - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
richtung - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
richtung - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.ScanDisk
richtunghelp - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
run() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Algorithmus
Run Method will be overwritten by other algorithms
run() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.CScan
Run starts the algorithm's work
run() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.FCFS
run starts the algorithm
run() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
Solution is shown on the GUI
run() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.ScanDisk
run starts the algorithms work
run() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.SSTF
the method run starts the algorithm´s work
run() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
Run declares the running algorithm
rutscherunter(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
clears an entry; the rest of entries will drop down and fill the space, ensuring that the cleared entry is always at the top of the buffer
rzeit - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information


ScanDisk - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.ScanDisk
implements the algorithm "Scan Disk".
ScanDisk(int,int[],int,boolean) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.ScanDisk
Constructor of the Algorithm
sd - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
sek - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
send - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
send() - method in class de.results
send_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Reaction on Send Button Passwort and Id tested on proper length of 6 characters else error; all stored data is send to the server
sende(String,int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
Sendeprotololl object for filling a new results objects; sends that data to the server
senden(String,String) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
Senden creates a new Sendeprotokoll an corrects the time if required Data is being sent to the specified server
Sendeprotokoll - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
The class Sendeprotokoll sets the parameter in the right order for sending via the results' interface
Sendeprotokoll(String,String,String,String,String,String) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
New reference for sending to the server
serverip - field in class de.results
serverport - field in class de.results
setAnzeigeText(JTextField) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
sets the reference of the text field that is being updated on every tick of the Timer to display the current amount of time.
setMayRun(boolean) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
decides if the actual counter is allowed to count on
setpfeil(int,int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
The method sets the arrow in the solution properly current position in "erste" new position in parameter "zweite"
setpuffersize(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
size of the buffer will be shown as a GUI puffer picture
setzelabel(int,String) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
Sets an entry
setzeneu(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
New entry can be made
sourceip - field in class de.results
sourceport - field in class de.results
South - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
sstf - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
SSTF - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.SSTF
implements the algorithm "Shortest Seek Time First".
SSTF(int,int[],int) - constructor for class de.heineken.studienarbeit.SSTF
Constructor for the algorithm; sets input numbers
start - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
start() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
convention for applets: Start is called at every start and any reload
start_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
reaction on pushing the Start Button Timer starts, random numbers are generated direction and position of head are ranomized
startlosung - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
status() - method in class de.results
stop() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
deactivation of applets
suche(String,int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Liste
Looks for a special object marked as the given Applet ID aid
sucheindex(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Puffer
Searches for the entry's index of an given head position


terminated - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Loesung
time - field in class de.results
timer - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Timer - class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Timer
Class Timer contains a counting unit with second rhythm
tracker - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Pfeil


username - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll


valuation - field in class de.results


West - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Why - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Why_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
Pushing the Why button the answer will be shown


z - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
zaehlefalsch() - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
Used if I have done a wrong attempt
zaehlefalsch(String,int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Liste
The method changes the storing object in the case a wrong answer was issued.
zaehler - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
zaehlerichtig(int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Information
Used if there is a correct answer for an attempt
zaehlerichtig(String,int,int) - method in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Liste
The method changes the storing object in the case a correct answer was issued.
zahlen - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1
zeit - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Sendeprotokoll
zufall - field in class de.heineken.studienarbeit.Applet1