class AuEnergy

This class implements routines to calculate signal energy and power in time and frequency domain

Public Methods

static double energy(const AudioCache& cache)
Function to calculate signal energy on the samples stored in the audio cache
static double energyFFT(const ComplexFFT::ComplexWave& wave, const uint32 samplingRate)
Function to calculate signal energy on the complex samples stored in the wave vector
static double power(const AudioCache& cache)
Function to calculate signal power on the samples stored in the audio cache


This class implements routines to calculate signal energy and power in time and frequency domain.
static double energy(const AudioCache& cache)
Function to calculate signal energy on the samples stored in the audio cache. The original definition of the signal energy of a discrete-time signal is:
E = lim{n->infty} 1/sampling_rate * sum{-n to n}( sqr( abs(x(n)) ) )
calculated energy
cache - audio cache containing the signal

static double power(const AudioCache& cache)
Function to calculate signal power on the samples stored in the audio cache. The original definition of the signal power of a discrete-time signal is:
P = lim{n->infty} 1/(2*n+1) * sum{-n to n}( sqr( abs(x(n)) ) ) We have restricted n to the size of the audio cache!
calculated power
cache - audio cache containing the signal

static double energyFFT(const ComplexFFT::ComplexWave& wave, const uint32 samplingRate)
Function to calculate signal energy on the complex samples stored in the wave vector. The original definition is:
E = Integral{-samplingRate/2 to samplingRate/2} ( sqr(1/samplingRate) * sqr(abs(X(f))) ) df
calculated energy
wave - vector of complex samples (= signal)
samplingRate - used sampling rate

This class has no child classes.
Silvia Pfeiffer, Peter Tomczyk
$Id: energy.h,v 1.5 1998/03/26 13:30:46 tomczyk Exp $

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