This extension to ns-2 adds support for tracing the MAC load
over the simultation time. When installed and activated, every node
traces the percentage of time in which the medium has been busy during
the last sampling period (by default the last 200ms).
To add it to your existing ns-2 installation, copy the following
patch file into your NS_HOME/ns-allinone/ directory:
Now enter the following command:
patch -p0 -b < patch.ltr
You should get the following output:
patching file ns-2.1b9a/tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl
patching file ns-2.1b9a/mac/mac-timers.h
patching file ns-2.1b9a/mac/
patching file ns-2.1b9a/mac/mac-802_11.h
patching file ns-2.1b9a/mac/
Next, change into your ns-2.1b9a directory and re-run make:
cd ns-2.1b9a
If everything works fine, you will now have the load-trace-capable version
of the IEEE802.11 MAC for ns-2. To create load trace files of your
simulations, you have to adopt your tcl-script in which you run
ns-2. Add something like the following:
set val(lt) "filename.ltr" ;# write load trace to this file
set val(smooth_cc) "0" ;# smooth MAC load?
set val(nn) "400" ;# number of nodes
set val(mac) "Mac/802_11" ;# load trace only works with Mac/802_11!
# create trace object for MAC load - MT
if { $val(mac) == "Mac/802_11" } {
if { $val(lt) != "" } {
set loadTrace [open $val(lt) w]
puts $loadTrace "# x=$val(x), y=$val(y), n=$val(nn), stop=$val(stop)"
} else {
set loadTrace $val(lt)
# set up MAC load scanning - MT
if { $val(lt) != "" } {
Mac/802_11 set scan_int_ 0.001 ;# scanning interval
Mac/802_11 set scan_len_ 200 ;# scan count for each probe
if { $val(smooth_cc) == "1" } {
Mac/802_11 set smooth_scan_ 1 ;# smooth the scanned values
if { $val(mac) == "Mac/802_11" } {
for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
# bind MAC load trace file - MT
[$node_($i) set mac_(0)] load-trace $loadTrace
The essential command within this example are:
set loadTrace [open "filename.ltr" w]
puts $loadTrace "# x=$val(x), y=$val(y), n=$val(nn), stop=$val(stop)"
for opening the load trace file and
[$node_($i) set mac_(0)] load-trace $loadTrace
once for every node to tell the MAC instances where to write their
data to.
The first line of the load trace file with the ending .ltr
contains information about the simulated scenario: the length and
width, the number of nodes and the duration in seconds. Each sampling
period is represented by a block in the file where the position and
load value of all nodes are written in the form:
ML <time> _<node>_ (<pos.x>/<pos.y>) <load>
The following example shows the mentioned first line and one frame for
a scenario of five nodes:
# x=1000, y=1000, n=5, stop=30
ML 0.200000 _0_ (100.00/100.00) 0.0100
ML 0.200000 _1_ (100.00/300.00) 0.0100
ML 0.200000 _2_ (100.00/500.00) 0.0100
ML 0.200000 _3_ (100.00/700.00) 0.0100
ML 0.200000 _4_ (100.00/900.00) 0.0100
For the visualization of this data, we have developed a tool which
will be published on this page in near future.