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Educational Multimedia Library PublicationsJournal ArticlesAn Application Developer's Perspective on Reliable Multicast for Distributed Interactive MediaMartin Mauve, Volker Hilt To appear in: ACM Computer Communication Review, 2000. Gzipped PostScript (58K), PDF (52K) Reviewed Conference PapersA Generic Late Join Service for Distributed Interactive MediaJürgen Vogel, Martin Mauve, Werner Geyer, Volker Hilt, Christoph Kuhmünch To appear in: Proc. ACM Multimedia 2000, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2000. Gzipped PostScript (60K), PDF (41K) A New Paradigm for the Recording of Shared Whiteboard Streams Volker Hilt, Werner Geyer, Wolfgang Effelsberg Proc. SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN'00), San Jose, California, USA, K. Nahrsted et. al. (Eds.), Vol. 3969, SPIE, Bellingham, USA, pp. 154-164, 2000. Gzipped PostScript (138K), PDF (80K) A Generic Scheme for the Recording of Interactive Media Streams Volker Hilt, Martin Mauve, Christoph Kuhmünch, Wolfgang Effelsberg Proc. International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services 1999 (IDMS'99), Toulouse, France, M. Diaz et.al. (Eds.), LNCS 1718, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 291-304, 1999. Gzipped PostScript (323K), PDF (555K) A Systematic Approach to the Automatic Conversion of a "Live" Lecture into a Multimedia CBT Course Claudia Schremmer, Volker Hilt Proc. 2nd international Conference on New Learning Technologies (NLT'99), Berne, Switzerland, pp. 126-134, 1999. Gzipped PostScript (216K), PDF (88K) A General Framework and Communication Protocol for the Transmission of Interactive Media with Real-Time Characteristics Martin Mauve, Volker Hilt, Christoph Kuhmünch, Wolfgang Effelsberg Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'99), Florence, Italy, IEEE, Los Alamitos, Vol. 2, pp. 641-646, 1999. Gzipped PostScript (45K), PDF (34K) New Tools for Synchronous and Asynchronous Teaching and Learning in the Internet Volker Hilt, Christoph Kuhmünch Proc. World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & Educational Telecommunications 1999 (ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM'99), Seattle, USA, AACE, 1999. Available on CD-ROM, contact: http://www.aace.org/pubs/. Gzipped PostScript (334K), PDF (153K), Fast Encryption for Set-Top Technologies Stefan Lucks, Rüdiger Weis, Volker Hilt Proc. SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN'99), San Jose, California, USA, D. Kandlur et. al. (Eds.), Vol. 3654, SPIE, Bellingham, USA, pp. 84-94, 1999. Gzipped PostScript (284K), PDF (245K) Other Reviewed PublicationsErzeugung und Verwendung Multimedialer Teachware im synchronen und asynchronen TeleTeachingVolker Hilt, Claudia Schremmer, Christoph Kuhmünch, Jürgen Vogel. To appear in: Wirtschaftsinformatik, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, Vol. 1/2001, 2001. Erfahrungen mit synchronen und asynchronen Lernszenarien an der Universität Mannheim Claudia Schremmer, Volker Hilt, Wolfgang Effelsberg Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), Saur Verlag, München, Vol. 3/2000, pp. 121 - 128, 2000. Technical Reports and Internet DraftsLehrszenarien-übergreifende Erzeugung und Verwendung Multimedialer TeachwareV. Hilt, C. Schremmer, J. Vogel Technical Report TR 17/2000, University of Mannheim, Germany, 2000. Gzipped PostScript (128K), PDF (98K) RTP/I: An Application Level Real-Time Protocol for Distributed Interactive Media M. Mauve, V. Hilt, C. Kuhmuench, J. Vogel, W. Geyer, W. Effelsberg Internet Draft, IETF, draft-mauve-rtpi-00.txt, March 2000. Plain Text (107K) A General Framework and Communication Protocol for the Real-Time Transmission of Interactive Media Martin Mauve, Volker Hilt, Christoph Kuhmünch, Wolfgang Effelsberg Technical Report TR 16/98, University of Mannheim, Germany, 1998. Gzipped PostScript (287K) The Recording of Interactive Media Streams Using a Common Framework Volker Hilt Technical Report TR 14/98, University of Mannheim, Germany, 1998. Gzipped PostScript (327K),, PDF (560K) Masters' ThesisEntwicklung eines generischen Signalisierungsprotokolls für interaktive MedienChristian Walling Masters' Thesis (in german), Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik, University of Mannheim, Germany, 2000. Gzipped PostScript (924K), PDF (Acroread 4.x) (812K) Erweiterung eines RTP Recorders um Mechanismen zur Aufzeichnung ereignisorientierter Medienströme Martin Schädler Masters' Thesis (in german), Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik, University of Mannheim, Germany, 1999. Gzipped PostScript (834K), PDF (490K) Realisierung eines Whiteboard-Recorder Moduls Oliver Graß Masters' Thesis (in german), Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik, University of Mannheim, Germany, 1998. Gzipped PostScript (2936K), PDF (2120K) Konzeption und technische Realisierung web-basierter, multimedialer Lehrdokumente Thomas Vogelbacher Masters' Thesis (in german), Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik, University of Mannheim, Germany, 1998. OthersImplementierung eines Java-Viewers für RTP-basierte MedienDaniel Mischler Studienarbeit (in german), Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik, University of Mannheim, Germany, 1999. Gzipped PostScript (658K), PDF (439K) Volker Hilt Last modified: Mon Nov 6 15:18:47 MET 2000 |