Alphabetical Index



addUnit(unit) - method in class performance
Adds a Unit-Object to the unitStore-Vector
appletid - field in class results


beat - field in class draw2
begin - field in class timer
BiphaseL() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for BiphaseL(Manchester)
BiphaseLold() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for BiphaseL according to Effelsberg
BiphaseM() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for BiphaseM
BiphaseS() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for BiphaseS
bits - field in class display
bits - field in class draw2


circle(int,int,Color) - method in class draw2
activates circlemode
circleColor - field in class draw2
circleGreen(int) - method in class draw2
checks if circle should be green or red
circleMode - field in class draw2
circleX - field in class draw2
circleY - field in class draw2
clearAll() - method in class draw2
deletes the two clicked-Arrays
code - field in class sequence
Codings, which are supported
command - field in class results

Beschreibung: correction

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002


correction(sequence) - constructor for class correction
constructor for the sequence object
correctionMode - field in class draw2
correctionModeOff() - method in class draw2
sets CorrectionMode off
correctXpoints - field in class draw2
correctYpoints - field in class draw2


d - field in class timer
destip - field in class results
destport - field in class results
destX - field in class draw2
destY - field in class draw2
df - field in class timer
difficulty - field in class results
difficulty - field in class Zentrale
difficulty - field in class Zentrale2
DiffManchester() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for Differential Manchester

Beschreibung: display

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002


display(int,sequence) - constructor for class display
draw2 - class draw2

Beschreibung: Haupklasse

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002


draw2() - constructor for class draw2
standard constructor
draw2(int,sequence,boolean) - constructor for class draw2
due - field in class unit


end - field in class timer
entryPwd - field in class login
entryUser - field in class login


feedback - field in class performance
feedback - field in class results
future(int,int,int,int) - method in class draw2
draws a posibble line of the future
futureMode - field in class draw2


getArray() - method in class sequence
tranform the sequence in a array of integer ,
getAsString() - method in class sequence
tranform the sequence in a integer ,function is limited to 10 digits
getClickedX() - method in class draw2
the x-positions of the pressed points
getClickedY() - method in class draw2
the y-positions of the pressed points
getCoding(int) - method in class sequence
Returns the used Coding as a String
getCorX() - method in class correction
Gives the correct x-positions
getCorY() - method in class correction
Gives the correct x-positions
getDifficulty() - method in class unit
Gives back the difficulty level of the used coding
getDue() - method in class unit
gives back the time needed for the test
returns how correct the code was beetwen 0 1
returns how correct the code was beetwen 0 1
getFeedback() - method in class performance
gives back feedback
getLesson() - method in class sequence
Which Coding is used for this sequence as lessonnumber
getLesson() - method in class unit
gives back the lessonnumber of the unit
getLevel() - method in class sequence
Gives back the difficulty level of the used coding
getPWD() - method in class login
getReliability() - method in class unit
how sucessful was the test done in %
getSize() - method in class sequence
Size of the sequence-object
getStart() - method in class sequence
Gives back startpoint of the sequence
getState(int) - method in class sequence
Gives the value of a specified position of a beat
getStep() - method in class sequence
How many points is a step
getTime() - method in class timer
gives back the time in milliseconds
getUser() - method in class login
getValuation() - method in class performance
sum all reliabilty values in the unitStore-Vector add one for 100% else reduce one
getXclicked() - method in class draw2
getYclicked() - method in class draw2
go() - method in class timer
starts the timer


hold() - method in class timer
stop the timer


id - field in class results
indexMax() - method in class correction
gives back the index of the last used array entry
indexMax() - method in class draw2
gives back the index of the last used xclicked.array
indexMaxClicked() - method in class draw2
init() - method in class start
inRange(int,int) - method in class draw2
return the index of the pressed button as integer
isAllowed(int,int,int) - method in class draw2
gives back the index of the last used xclicked-array
isSelected(int) - method in class draw2
checks if the point is already pressed


lastDifficulty() - method in class performance
difficulty of the last unitObject
lastTime() - method in class performance
time of the last unitObject
lesson - field in class correction
lesson - field in class sequence
lesson - field in class unit
lesson - static field in class Zentrale
lesson - field in class Zentrale2
level - field in class sequence
String contains Information about the Difficulty-level
level - field in class unit
String contains Information about the Difficulty-level
localIP - field in class performance
localIP - field in class start
login - class login
login(performance) - constructor for class login


main(String[]) - static method in class start
myFrame - field in class login
myLabel - field in class timer
myTimer - field in class draw2


n - field in class sequence
nextCode - field in class Zentrale
nextCode - field in class Zentrale2
NRZL() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for NRZL
NRZM() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for NRZM
NRZS() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for NRZS


ok - field in class performance
ok - field in class results
sum all reliabilty values in the unitStore-Vector
overallTime() - method in class performance
sum the time of of all unit-objects in the unit-vector store


p - static field in class start
paint(Graphics) - method in class display
paint(Graphics) - method in class draw2
method responsible for painting
password - field in class results
performance() - constructor for class performance
Constructor for class
polar - field in class display
polar - field in class draw2
pwd - field in class performance
pwd - field in class Zentrale
pwd - field in class Zentrale2


r - field in class sequence
reliability - field in class unit
reset() - method in class timer
resets the timer
row - field in class sequence
run() - method in class timer
writes the current time since start on the specified label
RZ() - method in class correction
compute correct pattern for RZ


s - field in class correction
s - field in class display
s - field in class draw2
s - field in class Zentrale
s - field in class Zentrale2
send() - method in class performance
send() - method in class results
sequence() - constructor for class sequence
sequence(int,int) - constructor for class sequence
Constuctor Class creates a sequence-Object, the length of the beat and type of coding can be choosen, the beat is created by random
sequence(String,int) - constructor for class sequence
Constuctor Class creates a sequence-Object, beat and type of coding can be choosen
serverip - field in class results
serverport - field in class results
set - field in class timer
draws the solution
setLesson(int) - method in class sequence
The Coding of the sequence could be set
set localIP
setSequence(sequence) - method in class display
setSequence(sequence) - method in class draw2
sequence object is associated
setTimer(timer) - method in class draw2
timer object is associated
set User and PWD
sourceip - field in class results
sourceport - field in class results
srcX - field in class draw2
srcY - field in class draw2
start - class start
start - field in class sequence
String cotains Information about the starting point
start() - constructor for class start
state - field in class timer
status() - method in class results
step - field in class draw2
step - field in class sequence
starting points could be changed, please also adjust start[]
submitCode - field in class Zentrale
submitCode - field in class Zentrale2


t - field in class draw2
t - field in class timer
time - field in class results
timer - class timer
timer(JLabel,draw2) - constructor for class timer
Constructor for Timer
toString() - method in class sequence
the toString()-method overwritten


unit - class unit
unit() - constructor for class unit
unit(int,double,long) - constructor for class unit
Constructor for unit-class with parameters
unitStore - field in class performance
user - field in class performance
user - field in class Zentrale
user - field in class Zentrale2


valuation - field in class results


x - field in class correction
x - field in class sequence
xclicked - field in class draw2
xpoints - field in class draw2


y - field in class correction
yclicked - field in class draw2
ypoints - field in class draw2


z - field in class Zentrale2
Überschrift: Zentrale


Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002


Zentrale(performance) - constructor for class Zentrale
Überschrift: Zentrale2


Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002


Zentrale2(performance) - constructor for class Zentrale2