WIL-MA Software:
Here you can download the latest release of the WIL-MA-toolkit. It contains the server, a fully featured client for PCs, notebooks and PocketPCs and a first version of an administrator client to control the software system. See the read me also included in the package for further information.
A stable version of the toolkit is available HERE (v2.0 0412-R as of 12/02/2004).
Older Version:
A prerelease Version of the toolkit is available here (v1.0 pre1 as of 01/21/2003).
This software package is distributed as open source under the GPL license and without any warranty, use on your own risk; for further details see
www.gnu.org or the license included in the package. I decided not to put the sourcecode package on this website; to obtain it,
you can contact me at "scheele<at>lecturelab.de".
Alternatively you can download the first prototype implementation for evaluation purposes. For this
version, two packages are available for download:
The PC Package (Server & Client) (v0.4final, released 12/18/2002, approx.
280 kByte) contains:
- the main server application
- the following services: Feedback, Messaging, Quiz
- the student client for Personal Computers or notebooks
- special clients for teachers and moderators
To use this package you must have a Java Runtime Environment installed (at least 1.4.0). Two small documentations that will help
you get server and administration clients as well as the student client running are available as PDF.
The PDA Client Package (v0.4final, released 12/18/2002, approx. 65 kByte)
- a multi-purpose client for the PocketPC (which may be used on a PC/Notebook too)
- support for the following services: Feedback, Messaging and Quiz
Since there is no native Java support integrated in the PocketPC operating system, you need to buy
the commercial PersonalJava Runtime Environment Jeode from
Insignia (it may be included in your software pack which was delivered with your device). As an
alternative, you may want to try Sun's personal java reference implementation, which is freely available
in the developers section of
their homepage. The client software is tested with Sun's VM as well, but you may encounter some
problems (for further information read the Sun-Java.readme file included in the client package). A small
documentation that will help you to install the files on the
mobile device and get the client running is available as PDF.
Contact:Please send bugs, requests or comments to
"scheele<at>lecturelab.de" (Nicolai Scheele).