Frequently Asked Questions

How can I group a number of entries ?
Right as in this example:
	    /**@name comparison operators * /
	      /// equal
	      bool operator==(const Date& cmpDate);
	      bool operator!=(const Date& cmpDate);
	      /// less
	      bool operator<(const Date& cmpDate);
	      /// greater
	      bool operator>(const Date& cmpDate);

How can I influence the order of the entries ?
The order of class members is the same as in the class declaration. The order of the entries in the table of contents is the order in which doc++ reads the classes. Hence, typing "doc++ *" yields an alphabetically ordered list. You may also use //@Include: to read your files in the desired order.

How can I change fonts/borders/whatever in LaTeX ?
Edit the File docxx.sty (there is no documentation about how to do this, sorry :-( ).

What do the blue and grey balls in the HTML-output mean ?
Entries that have a doc-string (not only memo) have a blue ball. Clicking on this ball gets you to the documentation.

How can I avoid scrolling all the way down to the class' documentation?
Click on the books (on the left of the classname) to jump there.

How can I get other paper formats for the LaTeX output?
Try the -e. options. E.g.: with -eo a4paper, the a4paper option will be set for the documentstyle; with -ep a4wide a \usepackage{a4wide} will be inserted before \begin{document}. Finally, one can provide a completely own LaTeX environment setup using the -ef option.

I have the following:
	    class A { ... } a; 
Why do I get scrambled results ?
DOC++ does not know what you intend to document, the class A or the variable a. Solution: Split up class and variable declarations like this:
	    class A { ... };
	    A a; 

I have the following old C typedef:
/** ... */
typedef struct a { ... } a_t ;
Why do I get scrambled results ?
This is the same problem as above. The solution is also equivalent:
/** ... */
struct a { ... };
/** ... */
typedef struct a a_t ;

Is there a way to make the equation font larger in the HTML output?
Sure, more than one. You may use \large or so within the equations. Or you may use the option -eo 12pt to render all gifs in 12pt instead of 10pt. Or you may use you own latex environment with -ef to setup all fonts as desired.

Why does doc++ fail to build gifs for my formulae?
There are two typical kinds of failour. One is, that you don't have set up you path to find the ppmtools, gs or latex. The other is, that latex fails to process your formulae. Check the file dxxgifs.tex in your html directory to see what latex tries to process.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

this page has been generated automatically by doc++

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling