class CutData

This class encapsulates information about a single audio cut

Public Fields

int end
position of window end (in samples).
int index
cut index.
int start
position of window begin (in samples).
int window
number of the window where the cut was detected.

Public Methods

CutData(int i = 0, int w = 0, int s = 0, int e = 0)
creates new object


This class encapsulates information about a single audio cut. The information contains: cut index, number of the window, where the cut was detected, position of the window begin (in samples) and position of the window end (in samples).
int index
cut index.

int window
number of the window where the cut was detected.

int start
position of window begin (in samples).

int end
position of window end (in samples).

CutData(int i = 0, int w = 0, int s = 0, int e = 0)
creates new object. Constructor does not check the arguments!
i - cut index
w - window number
s - window begin (in samples)
e - window end (in samples)

This class has no child classes.
Silvia Pfeiffer, Peter Tomczyk
$Id: aucut.h,v 1.5 1998/04/14 10:26:27 tomczyk Exp $

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