Locana visualizes the results computed by Loctrace and Loceva. This helps verifying that
the data traced by Loctrace is complete and sound. Intermediate results of Loceva can
also be visualized. This is a great means to verify that these algorithms are working as they are supposed to do.
A whole bunch of tools are grouped together in the Locana package. Locana contains many small tools that are supposed to perform special jobs.
Most of these tools verify the output of Loctrace and Loceva, or list a certain object
of a trace file. For instance, a tool called AccessPointLister prints out all the access points and how often they have been heard
for a given trace file.
However, Locana contains also a powerful tool named RadioMap. RadioMap offers two modes of operation: loctrace and loceva.
The former mode visualizes trace files generated by Loctrace. This feature is mainly used to visually investigate
a fingerprint database. For each reference point and access point the number of readings, the average signal strength and its standard
deviation can be displayed. The same can be displayed for online points as well. Furthermore, the grid dimension and starting point of
the grid of reference points can be varied.
As previously mentioned, Loceva is able to optionally generate a file that logs intermediate results of positioning
algorithms. Such a log file can be displayed in loceva mode of RadioMap. This helps to better understand how the selected positioning
algorithm works, and to verify that the implementation works as it is supposed to.
The screenshots depicted below show the RadioMap tool in loctrace and loceva mode.
Screenshot of RadioMap running in loctrace mode. |
Screenshot of RadioMap running in loceva mode. |
After downloading and unpacking the jar archive the RadioMap tool can be run with the following command:
FILENAME can be a loctrace file (.trace) or a loceva file
(.ptrace) to switch between loctrace and loceva mode, respectively. One of the parameters -offline
and -online is required, both are valid. The -maxgrid parameter can be used optionally to set the maximum grid spacing. The default value is 5.0.