@inproceedings{Schoen_2013a, author = { Daniel Schön and Melanie Klinger and Stephan Kopf and Wolfgang Effelsberg }, title = { HomeQuiz: Blending Paper Sheets with Mobile Self-Assessment Tests }, editor = { Jan Herrington and Alec Couros and Valerie Irvine }, booktitle = { Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2013 }, year = { 2013 }, month = { June }, pages = { 1446--1454 }, address = { Victoria, Canada }, publisher = { Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) }, url = { http://www.editlib.org/p/112150 }, abstract = { This article describes HomeQuiz, an effective approach to blend classical paper learning material with a digital mobile self-assessment system. In times of tablets and smartphones, many students still use printed lesson scripts and exercise sheets. But many applications for supporting students with self-assessment and testing already exist. The aim of our work is to close the gap between paper sheets and digital assessment. Therefore, we took the experiences from our classroom quiz tool and upgraded it with a self-assessment functionality. By printing QR codes on documents like exercise sheets or lecture scripts and linking them to content related questions, we are now able to support students with a real-time feedback of their knowledge and providing the lecturers detailed information about the learning success of their students. To enable this functionality, we have developed a plugin tool connected to our learning management system... } }