@article{Guthier2013a, title = "Algorithms for a real-time \{HDR\} video system ", journal = "Pattern Recognition Letters ", volume = "34", number = "1", pages = "25 - 33", year = "2013", note = "Extracting Semantics from Multi-Spectrum Video ", issn = "0167-8655", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2012.05.016", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167865512001845", author = "Benjamin Guthier and Stephan Kopf and Wolfgang Effelsberg", keywords = "\{HDR\} video", keywords = "Multi-spectrum video acquisition", keywords = "Image registration", keywords = "Video tone mapping ", abstract = "When the dynamic range of radiance values in a scene exceeds the capabilities of a camera, a single picture can only capture one brightness range of the scene faithfully at a time. We propose a system for creating high dynamic range (HDR) videos that overcomes this limitation. It acquires a number of images under varying exposure settings from dark to bright, each containing new scene radiance information. The camera motion between the images is compensated and they are fused into a single \{HDR\} frame. For visualization on regular displays, the video frame is tone mapped to the output range of the display. We introduce algorithms for reduced redundancy acquisition, efficient registration and visualization of \{HDR\} video that are fast enough to be used in real-time. " }