@INPROCEEDINGS{Kopf_2012a, author={Kopf, S. and Wilk, S. and Effelsberg, W.}, booktitle={Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2012 IEEE International Conference on}, title={Bringing Videos to Social Media}, year={2012}, month={July}, pages={681-686}, abstract={Although the importance of video sharing and of social media is increasing from day to day, a full integration of videos into social media is not achieved yet. We have developed a system that maps the concept of hypervideo - allowing to annotate objects in a video - to social media. We define this combination as social video that simultaneously allows a large number of users to contribute to the content of a video. Users can annotate video objects by adding images, text, other videos, Web links, or even communication topics. An integrated chat system allows users to communicate with friends and to link these topics to distinct objects in the video. We analyze the technical functionality and the user acceptance of our social video system in detail. Due to the integration into the social network Facebook more than 12,000 users have already accessed our system.}, keywords={social networking (online);video retrieval;Facebook social network;hypervideo;integrated chat system;object annotation;social media;social video system;user acceptance;video sharing;Facebook;Media;Navigation;Servers;Videos;Web pages;hypermedia;social media;social video;video annotation}, doi={10.1109/ICME.2012.86}, ISSN={1945-7871},}